
Been mostly bed bound for a little over a week. Had to go to the hospital because my husband couldn't set my right shoulder dislocation. They're sending me to an orthopedic surgeon to talk about surgery. Also referred me to a rheumatologist to talk about my hEDS. 
I posted an article about understanding chronic illness for abled people, my mother thinks I posted it just for her and not the 556 people following me, and has blocked me on Facebook and will not answer my texts. Mature. For some reason she gets super offended when I try to raise awareness about differently abled people. 
Well, last night I dislocated my right shoulder again but eventually Ben was able to get it back in. 
Having trouble breathing and can't find my inhaler. 
In so much pain and beyond tired. 
Would love prayers and support. 
Day twenty nine Chronicle: Complete. 


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