Chronic Illness Doesn't Get Better

There are good days. There are bad days. It never goes away. People mean well, but it just makes my blood boil when people tell me to get well. No matter how much you say "chronic illness" you still hear it. 
I'm in a lot of pain but I managed to cook dinner. Super yummy balsamic glazed chicken breasts with roasted garlic potatoes and zucchini. It was divine. 
Still in a lot of pain, but I'm trying not to take the Norco because it makes me feel super yucky, but helps the pain so it's a loose- loose situation. 
Ben won't let me go talk to the ortho surgeon or rheumatologist until we get better insurance in November, so this pain isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I really need to see my cardiologist too, I'm way overdue with her, as well as my gyno. But I guess I'll just have to live until I can see them. 
Started looking for a wheelchair for when I need it, which is getting more frequent. 
Day thirty one Chronicle: Complete. 


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