Let's start at the very beginning...

I'm Jenny. 
38 years old, Alabama native, wife and mother, cat lover, and chronically ill.
Today, I actually complained to my husband about dislocating my shoulder. Now, usually I wouldn't have bothered him. Yes, I know, you normal people are probably having a wtf at that statement. My fellow EDS sufferers can probably relate. 
So, he told me to start writing down when all this happens, to keep track of it for doctors, so "they take me more seriously." I pointed out that most did, and I am ruled physically disabled by the state of Alabama. That he (and his family) were the only ones that didn't really take me seriously. So, in an attempt to reconcile that, I decided to start the most depressing blog on earth. 
Usually I brush off the stuff. I don't want to complain or be the most whiny person alive. Who wants to be around that? But, let's see if I get taken seriously this way. 
I have dysautonomia, postural Orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, mitral valve prolapse, COPD, hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, TMJ, scoliosis, Reynards, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and PTSD. Other little things like a herniated disc, sciatica,  blah blah, you get the picture
Now, today I woke up in pain. As usual. My left shoulder hurt badly, as well as my right knee and ankle, and I had some muscle tension and a headache and fatigue. My right knee kept just, I dunno how to describe it properly, but quit holding weight, like it would spaghetti noodle when I was trying to use it. It started doing that (again) yesterday.  My right ankle twisted and I fell sideways into a doorframe, dislocating my right shoulder. I managed to get it back in myself. I greyed out a bit when I was trying to do the dishes and hit my head. Not too hard. Didn't lose consciousness. A little dizzy, it comes and goes today. Clenching my jaw causing pain in my jaw and making my headache worse. Stomach upset and abdominal pain, but nothing out of the ordinary. Cold. Brain fog. Couldn't make it up the stairs today. 
Ceist la vie. 
Not a bad day really. 
Had to take a little extra Ibuprofen, no big. 
So that was today. 
I'll continue the saga of sorrow tomorrow. 
Hopefully, I haven't made anyone horribly depressed. 
Day one Chronicle: Complete


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